Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Whimsical Herbal Art with "good4you"

I found this shop on Etsy, "good4you" that hails from Cape Cod. I don't know who's behind it, or where exactly on the Cape they are, but I like their style. :)

"my work is an herbal creation oasis. a seven year project. i make herbal art. what i create comes as the inspiration does, and goes with your choosing."

"the teas are my roots, salves are the stems and everything else i create are the leaves. the remedies give color, I draw to feel how it heals... "

"new projects may lead me in other ways eventually... so i say, if you see something that clicks with you, don't wait to bring it home"

Visit this colorful shop of 

herbs love art and eco friendliness



    Nancy Pace Art said...

    I like the herbal art:)Nice blog post.

    Unknown said...

    Thanks Nancy! :)

    love said...

    yay! thank you so much. name's jess. this is so great, i now updated my profile so i won't be a secret herbal ninja anymore :D , love you blog! here is mine www.good4youtea.blogspot.com

    Harvest Moon by Hand said...

    I'm visiting from the UWIB Blog Hop. I didn't see anything for the "Wedding Bells" post, so I thought I'd comment here instead.

    It's so fun to discover new shops...particularly when they are so close to where you live!